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Forever Friendships

Writer's picture: KathrynKathryn

As I was feeling the stirring the past few weeks for mothers and fathers to find their spiritual children I began to sense the stirring for spiritual brothers and sisters to find one another as well. I began meditating on the profound gift of the current friendships I have made over the past few years. I think everyone can attest to the truth that when you do meet those who truly understand you or at least enjoy the unique you it is a gift to behold. I began to think, where in the Bible is friendship and spiritual family intertwined because I believe I have been spiritually adopted into the family of God by some incredible human beings? I found myself in a place of gratitude praising God for a few ladies in particular. It reminded me of one of my favorite stories in the bible, it is the story of when Mary goes to visit Elizabeth. Many look at this story as insignificant in comparison to other chapters in scripture, but my eyes were opened to the enormity of it as I devoured the words and my Spirit leapt with joy. It says in Luke 1:41-45, “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!

First of all can I just say- for all things Holy and good this is one of the most confounding scripture passages. It speaks on the promises of heaven, impartations ( without being physically touched), the importance of women to the fulfillment of scripture, and advancement of the kingdom of God, and the joys of spiritual family! It is an example of just how powerful connection is to one another. People love the story of the water turning to wine at the wedding of Cana, they are in awe of the multiplication of fish and bread, many speak of the miracle of walking on water, but this simple passage speaking of two unlikely women pregnant and visiting one another accomplished so much more. There are so many levels of wonder and awe I am unsure where to even begin so today I will focus on the impartation that takes place and the with joys of friendship found in our spiritual family.

We are not called to walk life alone and friendship is an integral part to building unity and birthing good things on the earth. I want to reiterate, we see a woman unhindered by the prospects of traveling while pregnant by the Holy Spirit, another women who is too old to conceive pregnant with the promise of God with a son, we witness the importance of women to the advancement of the Kingdom of God, we see the powerful impact friendship and connection has on birthing the goodness of God, we witness women communing together and honoring one another (we need to see more of this), we see an impartation of Holy Spirit from Jesus in Mary’s womb to Elizabeth and to John the Baptist (before he was even born which tells me that an unborn baby is human life), and the prayer so many Catholics around the world love to pray, the Hail Mary. All of this birthed from this simple God Encounter of two women gathering together.

If all of this can happen for two women on behalf of God, imagine all that we too can accomplish as ordinary unlikely vessels for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Well in the same way we can have extraordinary God Encounters in the most simple of ways. For instance, the other day, I traveled about an hour away to spend time with one of my dearest friends. She arrived after me, and when she walked in it was an immediate screaming and cackling with joy. Laughter burst forth from us both at the shear sight of the other. We were sitting there talking the night away and she insisted on painting my nails. She alternated putting a golden glitter and a deep malaga wine polish on each of my fingers. As she painted my hands I began to feel a shift in my spirit. The dark cloud I had over my head began to lift. I began to hear the voice of the Father tell me that the promises of the new wine ( promises over my life) we being summoned. I heard him say clear as a bell your golden hour is upon us, you are stepping into a season of harvesting gold. All of the good things. We then began to have a deep conversation. We began to discuss the things that we grappled with deep down inside. The beauty of it all was she was able to paint the gold on my fingers and show me a fresh perspective through beauty, while I was able to pull the gold out of her through unconditional love and wise council. She spoke into my grieving spirit and I spoke into hers. In that simple encounter of two friends loving each other the best we could we were able to both shed a few tears and allow the Father to fill us with His joy. I believe there was an impartation that day of a sisterhood that will last an eternity. I believe there was an impartation of Gods unconditional love that night. I believe we were witnesses to his promise for us both to have a friend and spiritual sister that we could trust and say anything to without consequence just like the promises that Mary and Elizabeth were incubating and going to birth, we too were incubating the promises of bringing restoration to family and friendship through a fresh impartation of the fire of the Holy Spirit. Next time you see your friends, remember to tell them how much you love them and speak life into their Spirits. It is through these moments we will experience some of the most powerful global God encounters in our lives.

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